What a fabulous day it was!  Thank you to all of the parents and grandparents for coming to our celebration.  We hope you enjoyed spending the day with us.
One of the learning stations was to draw a picture on the SMART Board.  We have been familiarizing ourselves with the SMART board over the past week, trying out the different tools while creating works of art.  Here are the children's drawings from our Fall Celebration and class time:
"Dragon Who"
By: Avery

Once upon a time there was a dragon who was nice and a car ran away and said, "Oh, he's a nice dragon."
Then fishies thought it was a nice dragon but they ran away.

"The Dog"
By: Finn S

A dog got lost on the sidewalk.
Then he found a tree and he cut it down.
And he found a cat and he runs after it.

"The Princess and the Good Frog"
By: Kaliko

Once upon a time there was an evil princess and a good princess and a good frog.  
The frog was looking at the princesses.  
The evil princess said, "Come here, you're not playing with anymore toys."

By: Cooper

When we were at Fort Edmonton Park there was a big maze and we went in and it kept getting darker and darker and darker.  And then we found a way out and people snuck up behind us. 

"Haunted House"
By: Elisha

There was a drawer and then there was a skeleton in it.  He had a straw to drink with.  There were two skeletons and the other one was in the closet.  There was a zombie in the other closet and the kids were sleeping - they were in a haunted house with their family.  And a ghost was with the zombie. 

"Two Little Tigers and the Mean Monster"
By: Kaliko

Two little mean tigers were playing at the park.  It was Christmas and there were trees all around.  And they have really fun at home.  A bat was looking at them.

By: Lowyn

When I go to Disneyland, I was happy.  I went to see Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse.

Last week we read the story Setting the Turkeys Free, by W. Nikola-Lisa.  It is about a little boy who paints his hand and presses it on paper to make a turkey.  He then decorates his turkeys and tells a story about a fox coming to eat them.  In order to save the turkeys, he opens the gate (on the fence he has made) so his turkeys can run free.  The children love retelling this story using the turkeys, hens, and foxes you can see in this photo!  

This story inspired the children to create their own turkeys.  On Tuesday we painted their hands to make the turkey print; on Wednesday the children added eyes, jewels, feathers, bits of paper, and the wattle; and finally on Thursday they added the legs.  I then asked each child to tell me about their turkeys, and recorded what they had to say.  Their descriptions can be found below their turkey art.  I hope you enjoy looking through the photos of their beautiful artwork! 

I have had some requests to post videos from music time so that families can sing the songs at home.  I hope you enjoy the following three videos.  Happy singing!
Over the past week we have been talking about the word 'thankful'.  This began with reading the book The Way I Feel, By Janan Cain, as the book identifies different feelings individuals can have.  The children and I all felt thankful that we had special guests coming to read to us throughout the week.  At the end of each day, we created thank you cards to give to our readers. 

On Thursday we read a poem about being thankful and then thought of the things we are thankful for.  During our community circle, we passed around a turkey (named Gobbles) and each shared what we are thankful for in our lives.  
Here is what the children in the morning class had to say:
  • Abd-ElRahman is thankful for reading books.
  • Amélie is thankful for her friend Leia.
  • Augustus is thankful that he’s a bobcat today. 
  • Daniel is thankful for his car, CDs, and books.
  • Finn is thankful for his Hot Wheels car.
  • Jasper is thankful for his new dinosaur Hot Wheels set.
  • Justin is thankful everyone sat in the music room so well. 
  • Kobe is thankful for his little brother who plays with him everyday. 
  • Luka is thankful for his car.
  • Megan is thankful she got to clean up with everyone.
  • Nathan is thankful for playing cars at his house and for eating yummy food. 
  • Rayyan is thankful for Spiderman, Finn McMissile, and Mater.

Here is what the children in the afternoon class had to say:
  • Aroh is thankful he gets to play at the water station.
  • Avery is thankful she lets Mommy and Daddy give her nice good suppers.
  • Cooper is thankful for everything.
  • Dorine is thankful her mommy gives her new toys.
  • Finn is thankful for everything.
  • Seth is thankful for pizza.
  • Lowyn is thankful she gets to give her toys to everyone and her cousins.
  • Tommy is thankful for candy.
The children have been exploring using different musical instruments, adding them to songs and song based picture books that Diane has been singing with them.  Music time includes singing, dancing, playing instruments, moving to music, and following action based songs.  Here are some photos of our music class:

Last week the children worked very hard creating their 'Bean Names'.  The teachers helped the children by first printing their names, then by putting the glue on the lines (from left to right and from top to bottom, just as we would print our names).  The children were to place their beans on the lines of glue.  This activity took some children one day to complete, while others worked on it over two or three days.

This activity is designed for children to become more familiar with their names – what they look like, the letters in their names, and how to form these letters.  This task required fine motor skills and allowed the teachers to observe each child’s fine motor development.

This board will soon become our ‘Community of Learners’ as we complete self-portraits each month over the course of the year!  We will begin working on our self-portraits next week.  

We have spent time exploring our outdoor play space while the weather is still (mostly) warm and sunny.  

The children and I were delighted to find stones which have been painted to identify the perennials planted in the flower beds.  The children used magnifying glasses to look closely at the flowers and leaves.  We have begun reading books about leaves changing colour in the fall as well as discussing what other seasonal changes are upon us.

In a couple of weeks we will walk around the university campus to observe the changes.    

This vapour trail caught the attention of a few students from our afternoon class.  Airplanes seem to fascinate almost all children!  We could also hear one in the distance, but we never got to see it.  I am sure this topic will arise again, so I read up on vapour trails. 
For more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contrails